为了实现峰值预测性能,封路计优化(HPO)是机器学习的重要组成部分及其应用。在过去几年中,HPO的有效算法和工具的数量大幅增加。与此同时,社区仍缺乏现实,多样化,计算廉价和标准化的基准。这是多保真HPO方法的情况。为了缩短这个差距,我们提出了HPoBench,其中包括7个现有和5个新的基准家庭,共有100多个多保真基准问题。 HPobench允许以可重复的方式运行该可扩展的多保真HPO基准,通过隔离和包装容器中的各个基准。它还提供了用于计算实惠且统计数据的评估的代理和表格基准。为了展示HPoBench与各种优化工具的广泛兼容性,以及其有用性,我们开展了一个来自6个优化工具的13个优化器的示例性大规模研究。我们在这里提供HPobench:https://github.com/automl/hpobench。
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We present NusaCrowd, a collaborative initiative to collect and unite existing resources for Indonesian languages, including opening access to previously non-public resources. Through this initiative, we have has brought together 137 datasets and 117 standardized data loaders. The quality of the datasets has been assessed manually and automatically, and their effectiveness has been demonstrated in multiple experiments. NusaCrowd's data collection enables the creation of the first zero-shot benchmarks for natural language understanding and generation in Indonesian and its local languages. Furthermore, NusaCrowd brings the creation of the first multilingual automatic speech recognition benchmark in Indonesian and its local languages. Our work is intended to help advance natural language processing research in under-represented languages.
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Hyperparameter optimization (HPO) is essential for the better performance of deep learning, and practitioners often need to consider the trade-off between multiple metrics, such as error rate, latency, memory requirements, robustness, and algorithmic fairness. Due to this demand and the heavy computation of deep learning, the acceleration of multi-objective (MO) optimization becomes ever more important. Although meta-learning has been extensively studied to speedup HPO, existing methods are not applicable to the MO tree-structured parzen estimator (MO-TPE), a simple yet powerful MO-HPO algorithm. In this paper, we extend TPE's acquisition function to the meta-learning setting, using a task similarity defined by the overlap in promising domains of each task. In a comprehensive set of experiments, we demonstrate that our method accelerates MO-TPE on tabular HPO benchmarks and yields state-of-the-art performance. Our method was also validated externally by winning the AutoML 2022 competition on "Multiobjective Hyperparameter Optimization for Transformers".
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Accurate travel time estimation is paramount for providing transit users with reliable schedules and dependable real-time information. This paper is the first to utilize roadside urban imagery for direct transit travel time prediction. We propose and evaluate an end-to-end framework integrating traditional transit data sources with a roadside camera for automated roadside image data acquisition, labeling, and model training to predict transit travel times across a segment of interest. First, we show how the GTFS real-time data can be utilized as an efficient activation mechanism for a roadside camera unit monitoring a segment of interest. Second, AVL data is utilized to generate ground truth labels for the acquired images based on the observed transit travel time percentiles across the camera-monitored segment during the time of image acquisition. Finally, the generated labeled image dataset is used to train and thoroughly evaluate a Vision Transformer (ViT) model to predict a discrete transit travel time range (band). The results illustrate that the ViT model is able to learn image features and contents that best help it deduce the expected travel time range with an average validation accuracy ranging between 80%-85%. We assess the interpretability of the ViT model's predictions and showcase how this discrete travel time band prediction can subsequently improve continuous transit travel time estimation. The workflow and results presented in this study provide an end-to-end, scalable, automated, and highly efficient approach for integrating traditional transit data sources and roadside imagery to improve the estimation of transit travel duration. This work also demonstrates the value of incorporating real-time information from computer-vision sources, which are becoming increasingly accessible and can have major implications for improving operations and passenger real-time information.
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图像分类是计算机视觉中最重要的领域之一。当根据层次结构或分类学排列多级图像分类问题时,层次多标签分类适用于较小的图像分类问题。因此,分层分类模式通常在每个实例上提供多个类预测,从而期望这些模式反映图像类的结构相互关联。在本文中,我们提出了用于分层分类的多标签胶囊网络(ML-CAPSNET)。我们的ML-CAPSNET根据分层类标签树结构预测多个图像类。为此,我们提出了一个损失函数,该函数考虑了网络的多标签预测。结果,我们的ML-CAPSNET的训练方法使用粗到细的范式,同时与标签层次结构中的分类水平保持一致。我们还使用广泛可用的数据集执行实验,并将模型与文献其他地方的替代方案进行比较。在我们的实验中,我们的ML capsnet在这些替代方法方面产生了改善的余地。
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上肢控制和功能的丧失是中风后患者的不懈症状。这将使他们的日常生活活动施加艰辛。引入了超级机器人四肢(SRL)作为解决方案,以通过引入独立的新肢体来恢复损失的自由度(DOF)。 SRL中的致动系统可以分为刚性和软致动器。通过固有的安全性,成本和能源效率,软执行器已证明对刚性的刚性有利。但是,它们的刚度低,这危害了其准确性。可变的刚度执行器(VSA)是新开发的技术,已被证明可确保准确性和安全性。在本文中,我们介绍了基于可变刚度执行器的新型超级机器人肢。根据我们的知识,提议的概念验证SRL是第一个利用可变刚度执行器的人。开发的SRL将帮助中风后患者完成双重任务,例如用叉子和刀进食。说明了系统的建模,设计和实现。评估并通过预定义轨迹对其准确性进行了评估和验证。通过利用动量观察者进行碰撞检测来验证安全性,并通过软组织损伤测试评估了几种冲突后反应策略。通过标准的用户满意度问卷对援助过程进行定性验证。
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深度学习和转移学习的进步为农业的各种自动化分类任务铺平了道路,包括植物疾病,害虫,杂草和植物物种检测。然而,农业自动化仍然面临各种挑战,例如数据集的大小和缺乏植物域特异性预处理模型。特定于域的预处理模型显示了各种计算机视觉任务的最先进的表现,包括面部识别和医学成像诊断。在本文中,我们提出了Agrinet数据集,该数据集是来自19个地理位置的160k农业图像的集合,几个图像标题为设备,以及423种以上的植物物种和疾病。我们还介绍了Agrinet模型,这是一组预处理的模型:VGG16,VGG19,Inception-V3,InceptionResnet-V2和Xception。 Agrinet-VGG19的分类准确性最高的94%,最高的F1分数为92%。此外,发现所有提出的模型都可以准确地对423种植物物种,疾病,害虫和杂草分类,而Inception-V3模型的精度最低为87%。与ImageNet相比,实验以评估Agrinet模型优势的实验在两个外部数据集上进行了模型:来自孟加拉国的害虫和植物疾病数据集和来自克什米尔的植物疾病数据集。
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由于其在非洲以外的40多个国家 /地区的迅速传播,最近的蒙基托克斯爆发已成为公共卫生问题。由于与水痘和麻疹的相似之处,蒙基托斯在早期的临床诊断是具有挑战性的。如果不容易获得验证性聚合酶链反应(PCR)测试,那么计算机辅助检测蒙基氧基病变可能对可疑病例的监视和快速鉴定有益。只要有足够的训练示例,深度学习方法在自动检测皮肤病变中有效。但是,截至目前,此类数据集尚未用于猴蛋白酶疾病。在当前的研究中,我们首先开发``Monkeypox皮肤病变数据集(MSLD)。用于增加样本量,并建立了3倍的交叉验证实验。在下一步中,采用了几种预训练的深度学习模型,即VGG-16,Resnet50和InceptionV3用于对Monkeypox和Monkeypox和Monkeypox和其他疾病。还开发了三种型号的合奏。RESNET50达到了82.96美元(\ pm4.57 \%)$的最佳总体准确性,而VGG16和整体系统的准确性达到了81.48美元(\ pm6.87 \%)$和$ 79.26(\ pm1.05 \%)$。还开发了一个原型网络应用程序作为在线蒙基蛋白筛选工具。虽然该有限数据集的初始结果是有希望的,但需要更大的人口统计学多样化的数据集来进一步增强性增强性。这些的普遍性 楷模。
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